Was the real Andrew Tate killed in prison? Bizarre conspiracy theory has Twitter in knots

Publish date: 2024-05-20

The latest in the Andrew Tate saga involves speculation that the kickboxing world champion-turned-media personality was killed in prison and clones of Tate and his brother Tristan were released instead. 'Cobra' and his brother were jailed from December 2022 to March 2023, on charges of human trafficking, sexual assault and forming a criminal organization.

In the last week of March, prosecutors overturned a ruling that was supposed to keep the Tate brothers in prison until April this year. Upon release, the brothers received a lot of adulation and furore from raging fans outside the Romanian prison where they were kept.

Since being released, the brothers have taken to their 'Emergency Meeting' podcast on YouTube, where they have continued to go after their detractors with scathing remarks.

A user named 'Andromedaskarma' posted the following:

"I don't care what [anyone says]. I believe that this Andrew Tate is a clone. Look [at] the ears. The first one is from him being released. [It] looks like they cloned his brother and made him. Andrew's ears are away from the head and big. The Tate [we have] now [has] his ears close to the head. It's a clone."

Another user with the handle 'bigguccilunarxo' posted the following tweet, directed at Adin Ross, a YouTuber and known friend of the Tates:

"I think [Andrew and Tristan Tate] have been cloned or [subject to] 'MK2 Ultra'. Watch the video, it makes no [sense], since before they were saying how the judges should have let them out, which is true. They had no evidence they wouldn’t have apologized like they did in this."

Here are some other fan speculations of the Tate brothers being cloned after being killed in prison:

"The world is 'influence'; it's always been about influence" - Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate is one of the most polarizing figures of the 21st century - even more so than Elon Musk, Kanye West or Jordan Peterson. One either loves or hates the Tates.

Regardless of which side of the isle you are on, one can't deny the influence of Andrew Tate. In January this year, while in prison, Andrew Tate posted a video about how wars are fought to control influence on territories, communities and economies.

Here's what he said:

"The world is influence. It's always been about influence. Pitched battles in which armies go to war with machines of death and destruction [are] about nothing more than influence - controlling the land to influence it. Tell them what language to speak, tell them what currency to use, who to vote for; it's always been about influence."

Tate continued:

"The battle for control, the battle for information - people think [that] it's a small one, 'Oh yeah, they control the information, but it doesn't matter it's just a website.' No, because the information influences you. And battles for influence are the only reasons there [have] been battles since the dawn of humankind."

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