Only If | Steve Lacy Steve Lacy Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-06-11

Only If
Steve Lacy Steve Lacy Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴If I could travel through time, I think I
Would tell myself from the past, "You'll be fine"

But what you don't know is the fun part of fashion
And it's the place where I think all the fun begins
What you don't see is what you believe
But to be is the place where the angels dance
What you don't hear is the voice of fear

When you get passed, that is when your life appears
What you don't touch is what you won't clutch
But you'll latch on tight when the coast is clear

If I could travel through time, I think I
Would tell myself from the past, "You'll be fine"

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Steve Lacy's song Only If are reflective and introspective in nature. The song seems to be a conversation with oneself, where the persona of the song finds comfort in the idea of being able to time-travel and offer reassurance to his past self. The first few lines of the song are indicative of self-doubt and anxiety - the persona wonders if he could go back in time and tell himself that everything will eventually turn out okay.

The lyrics go on to talk about the 'fun part of fashion'. This line may be interpreted to suggest that style and fashion play an integral role in the persona's life - it is possibly the key to his confidence and the way with which he finds his feet in the world. The next set of lyrics enable us to delve deeper into the persona's thought process. They seem to suggest that what we see is not always the truth, and what we hear may not be the voice of reason, sometimes it is the voice of fear. The lyrics further suggest that it's only when we get passed the illusions and delusions and immerse ourselves in the moment - we find the real essence of life.

Line by Line Meaning

If I could travel through time, I think I
If given the chance to go back in time, I believe I would

Would tell myself from the past, "You'll be fine"
I would want to assure my past self that everything will turn out well

But what you don't know is the fun part of fashion
The best aspects of fashion are those that are not yet known

And it's the place where I think all the fun begins
Fashion is the starting point for enjoyment in life

What you don't see is what you believe
Our beliefs are influenced by what we cannot see or fully understand

But to be is the place where the angels dance
True contentment and joy can be found in simply being in the present moment

What you don't hear is the voice of fear
Fear can be suppressed and ignored, but it still exists without our notice

When you get passed, that is when your life appears
Life truly begins once we overcome the obstacles that were holding us back

What you don't touch is what you won't clutch
If we do not experience something for ourselves, we cannot form a strong attachment to it

But you'll latch on tight when the coast is clear
Once we have a clear understanding of something, we hold onto it tightly

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Written by: Steve Lacy

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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