Kamaru Usman responds to the PED use accusations; talks about the reason behind the 'suspicious' mar

Publish date: 2024-06-07

Kamaru Usman has responded to the PED accusations that have often been levied against him. Ahead of a potential trilogy matchup against UFC welterweight champion Leon Edwards that’ll likely transpire early next year, former welterweight champion Usman appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

Speaking to UFC commentator Joe Rogan, Kamaru Usman addressed the marks on his body, particularly his stomach, that have been termed by some of his rivals as suspicious.

During his conversation with Rogan, the duo alluded to a YouTube video put forth by social media personality Derek, who runs the ‘More Plates More Dates’ YouTube channel.

Watch Derek’s video below:

In the video, Derek speculated about Usman’s alleged steroid usage. He used the scars/discoloration on Usman’s stomach as evidence to support the hypothesis that he might be using PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs). Noting that the steroid use accusations made by Derek and others offended him, Usman stated:

“They start pointing out ‘cause I have five scars on my stomach, burn-like discoloration on my stomach. And they start pointing at that, and he starts talking about it, and making up this whole theory. And it kind of hurt my feelings a little bit.”

The story of Kamaru Usman’s ‘suspicious’ scars

‘The Nigerian Nightmare’ recalled that he was in his sophomore year, going into his junior season. However, he then corrected himself and added that it was probably after his junior season that the following incident took place. Usman, a self-professed cleanliness freak, noticed that he’d developed a mole on the surface of his stomach and one on his hand.

He started rubbing and cleaning them to try to get them off. However, they started bleeding. Apparently, Usman later had similar moles break out on his stomach, which made him a bit self-conscious about it. 'The Nigerian Nightmare' smiled and recalled that with spring break on the horizon, he wanted to look his best, which is why he visited his wrestling team’s doctor to get rid of the moles.

The doctor told Kamaru Usman that they were “non-cancerous moles” that could be burnt off. Usman soon underwent the procedure and was advised to avoid scraping off the burnt moles as they’d fall off on their own. Nevertheless, Usman – being passionate about his wrestling and training – hastily returned to working out and scraped the moles. Usman said:

“But my dumba** wrestled, and it rubbed up against it, and now they all fell off. So, then they scarred it because it was out for seven days. Like, putting Neosporin on it, so they can heal. And then, they scarred over. So, I have those from just that moment.”

Watch Kamaru Usman discuss the topic at 0:18 in the video below:

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