How old is Lauren Fenmore on The Young and the Restless? Explained

Publish date: 2024-04-22

Lauren Fenmore is one of the most impressive characters on The Young and the Restless. Portrayed by Tracey E. Bregman, the fictional character was inducted into the show on January 25, 1983, and remains a pertinent member even after four decades.

Bregman was all of 20 when she joined the soap opera and rang in her 60th birthday this May 29. On The Young and the Restless, Fenmore is aged two years less than Bregman. As per, the businesswoman was born in May 1964, making her 58 as of now.

Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead.

Lauren Fenmore is shown as a quinquagenarian on The Young and the Restless

Bregman’s most recent appearance as Fenmore was in The Bold and the Beautiful, the sister show of The Young and the Restless. The crossover episode between the two shows aired on Wednesday, October 25. It featured Fenmore along with Esther Valentine as the two geared up to attend a fashion show at Forrester Creations.

Fenmore was at the venue to look for better prospects for her business, while Esther (Kate Linder) was looking to don a Forrester Original gown like entrepreneur Katherine Chancellor (Jeanne Cooper) did. Esther served as a housekeeper, maid, and confidant to Chancellor and dressed the latter in several such gowns.

Fenmore knew about Esther’s affinity for Forrester Original gowns, so she took her along.

As mentioned earlier, Fenmore is currently aged 58 on The Young and the Restless even though some other sources contest the same.

For instance, the wiki pages of The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful mention that Fenmore is 51 but states that she was born in 1964. So, it is best to pin the age in the bracket of mid-50s.

As for Bregman herself, she turned 60 in May this year. The Daytime Emmy Awardee celebrated the same via an Instagram post. Calling it a “big birthday,” the veteran actress expressed her gratitude to her friends, family, and colleagues.

Her post read:

“This is a big birthday. I am so grateful for every year and for my family, friends and work, who make my life so filled with fun and love. Thank you to my family and friends who show up, consistently. You know what that means to me.”

It added:

“I love you all so much and thank you for all the thoughtful things that you do. You mean the world to me. It is not lost on me that age is a gift denied to many. Grateful for every day and all the amazing memories.”

On The Young and the Restless, Bregman was on double duty once, as she also portrayed another character, Sarah, sister of Sheila Carter. That stint was not long-lasting though.

Bregman is also known for her role in Misogynist, a 2013 thriller, which earned her a nomination at the Los Angeles Underground Film Festival under the Best Actress category.

She boasts a stunning 305K followers on Instagram and is a mother to two sons.

The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful return to CBS this Friday, October 27.

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