DJ Bolier Talks New Single and The State Of Dance Music

Publish date: 2024-04-29

Last Friday, we introduced you to Dutch DJ Bolier’s latest track “One of them Nights” featuring singer-songwriter Roya. Plus we also may or may not have spilled the secret that we have sat down with the DJ himself to talk to him about his new release.

So today, we would like to proudly present our interview with Bolier, talking about his new track, his inspiration, his career goals, as well as his opinion about the dance music scene.

Hey, Bolier! How excited are you about the release of your new song?

Hey hey! I’m always excited for new releases, and this particular one definitely is something special for me because it has a bit more of an urban/raw flavor compared to my other Bolier work.

“One of them Nights” demonstrates a change in your musical style. Can you tell us a little more about the inspiration behind the song?

Well, it’s not necessarily a change of my musical style, even though I get why people would think that. But when I heard Roya’s vocals I knew I’d had to give it the production as it is now, to do justice to the song. So what I’m saying here is that -especially when it comes to vocal songs- the production style kinda depends on the vocal direction, too.

How long did it take to put the track together?

It’s been a while, but I think a couple of days, all in all.

How was it working with Roya?

It was great working with Roya because, apart from the fact that I think her vocals are amazing, she also had/has her own point-of-view when it comes to making the vocals shine in the production. In the end, all for a better end result!

Speaking about your music: in which direction do you think it will be going in the future? Is “One of Them Nights” paving the way for a new direction or do you just feel like experimenting and testing out some new waters?

It’s all about experimenting, to be honest. However, for my Bolier moniker, I usually put out music that is a bit more radio friendly, whereas for example with my BLR alias I go a bit more in-depth with new production techniques which I figure out for myself. Which I will then bring to use in my Bolier productions as well.

We just wanted to mention that we love the fact that you remixed yourself. How did you come up with the idea to put out this two-part project?

It’s pretty simple: when I DJ, I like playing a bit more the straightforward 4×4 sound, so adding a BLR remix to the package made the track more playable for myself, and I think it’ll also make it more playable for other DJs.

So you will work as BLR in the future, too?

Most definitely, I got a lot of BLR releases coming up!

That’s great to hear. So let’s talk about the dance music in general. The Swedish duo Galantis once mentioned that the genre-bending -that is currently happening in the dance industry- is what makes it so exciting to be in this scene right now. What do you personally think?

I have always been doing that, I think. Not just for the purpose of genre-bending, but because I do like a lot of musical styles, from classical to hip-hop, and I like to combine what’s good into something new.

We definitely can tell in your releases! I saw that you created lots of playlists on Spotify. I know it is hard to narrow down but if you had to pick: which 5 songs are your current favorites?

Michael Calfan – On You
BLR – Labyrinth
JYYE – Somewhere Else
Stephan Bodzin – Strand
Marcus Schössow – White Lies

You have already achieved so much in the past: your remix of Is It Love went Gold in the UK, you were picked as one of the Top 100 DJs 4 years in the row, and the list just goes on and on. What are your main goals for the future?

Have my music featured in movies and games.

And what else does 2018 have in store for your fans?

A lot more music – so much in fact that I might have to launch some new aliases.

Sound great! Thank you so much for the nice chat.

You’re welcome, thank you too!

Be sure to check out Bolier’s latest release “One of them Nights” on the digital retailer/streaming platform of your choice!

If you want to stay up-to-date on his work, you might also want to check out his Facebook.
If you want to listen to some more of his music, you can do so by following the link down below:

Did you enjoy the interview with Bolier? And how do you like his latest track? Tell us by reacting to the post below or by tweeting us @CelebMix.

Note of the author:
This interview has been edited only for clarity. Otherwise, all answers appear as the interviewed artist intended them.
Bolier appears courtesy of Tonspiel Records and Spinning Records. The interview has been kindly initiated by UnfoldedPR. We at CelebMix would like to thank all the participants for this possibility.
