Denise Richards keeps several $110 bags of anti-5G rocks in her dogs beds

Publish date: 2024-04-25

I’ve learned from our Zoom meetings that a lot of you watch and love the reality shows, particularly the Real Housewives. I’m sorry we don’t have more coverage of the drama on those, it feels like work to me to watch reality shows but I get how they’re escapism to so many of you. The last we talked about Denise Richards, her husband, Aaron Phyphers, was claiming he could regenerate body parts with his mind He has a bizarre “healing” method that includes changing people’s frequency or something. Plus he and Denise think they’re being followed, which may be due to the fact that Aaron is charging megabucks for energy healing. Anyway NY Mag has one of those affiliate link articles with Denise Richards’ recommended products. She has some normal rich-people stuff like a $1,700 espresso machine, $530 sneakers, and a hoodie and sweatpants for over $300. I wanted to talk about the bags of “grounding rocks” or “Tesla rocks” she swears by which cost $110 each and are supposed to repel 4 and 5G. The site that sells them (I’m not going to link it, you can get there from The Cut) recommends 3 bags per 2,000 square feet. Denise said that she uses several bags of these rocks in her DOGS’ beds. I’m using all caps like that because if she puts multiple hundred dollar bags of rocks in dog beds, how many does she have around her house for her kids? She’s probably spent a couple grand on bags of rocks.

The Tesla rocks in this bag help protect against radiation that comes from cell phones and computers. You leave the rocks in the bag, you don’t take them out. I put it on my stomach when I’m using my laptop — I’ll put the bag on my stomach first, then my laptop. Sometimes I put it under my pillow — I find that I sleep better when it’s there. Our dogs seem to love the bags, too. We have quite a few of them in our dog bed and it’s amazing how the dogs will gravitate towards them. They’ll literally lay their heads on them.

[From The Cut]

So are these rocks being sold by Denise’s husband? The address is in Newport Beach and Denise’s husband Aaron’s office is in Malibu, so I don’t think so. It sounds like something her shady husband would be shilling though. It bugs me how many people think EMF and 5G are dangerous, especially the wackadoos who promote the idea that it’s somehow responsible for the coronavirus! I guess we can’t be surprised that Denise Richards is promoting these rocks. What a racket to sell bags of rocks for over $100! As for her dogs putting their heads on them, maybe they’re just trying to find the least uncomfortable position. Those poor dogs have several bags of rocks in their beds. They don’t want to lie on them. Give them a pillow and they’ll drag the rocks under it, just like Denise. Plus dogs will put their heads on anything! Hecate says one of her dogs likes to put his head on her knee and will strain to do it until he chokes.

How many dogs does she have?! She must be spending a fortune on magic rocks.
