All you need to know

Publish date: 2024-04-29

Cyberpunk 2077 presents players with an extensive Bounty system to earn some extra eddies, apart from the multiple in-game quests.

The in-game scanner can be used to scan for bounties in Cyberpunk 2077. The Bounty system in Cyberpunk 2077 is rather simple. To complete and collect a bounty, players just need to subdue a target that has a Bounty placed on them.

Once the target is subdued, the player will automatically receive the reward in form of eddies. Once the bounty is complete, the player will be able to see the eddies getting transferred into their account.

However, players need to check their minimaps to confirm if the bounty has been completed or not. As long as the minimap shows "Combat" the bounty is still active and V is still in combat mode.

Here's everything that players need to know about the Bounty System in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Bounty System

The first thing that players might think about completing bounties in Cyberpunk 2077 is whether they are worth doing or not. Technically speaking, most bounties have a pretty meagre reward for players. However, sometimes, players find certain high-profile bounties such as mob-bosses or kingpins, who cover a substantial reward.

Completing bounties reward players with eddies and in-game XP. This can be beneficial for multiple in-game factors such as players finding trouble coming up with the 15,000 eddies for Rogue, in exchange of Ander Hellman's information or even for those eyeing a specific cyberware upgrade.

Apart from that, bounties are also an integral part of the Cyberpunk 2077 experience as it helps players explore the wonderful and vast Night City. Other than bounties, players can also solve Reported Crimes to earn extra eddies and XP.

Solving Reported Crimes is a much more complicated task as they require the player to not only complete multiple bounties for a certain crime, but it also has a chance of asking the player to collect evidence.

Once all the bounties are completed and the evidence has been found for the respective crime, the player will receive the reward of all the tasks they performed.

Nevertheless, these added features in Cyberpunk 2077 is what makes Night City feel all the more lifelike and real. Completing bounties and solving reported crimes are interesting add-ons for players to explore when they have spent too much time on the main storyline.

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